Cook Plant’s Unit 2 to be upgraded

The Cook Nuclear Plant near Bridgman operated by Indiana Michigan Power, recently began an outage of Unit 2 for refueling, testing and equipment replacement. This is expected to bring in approximately 1,900 contract workers.




The Cook Nuclear Plant near Bridgman operated by Indiana Michigan Power, recently began an outage of Unit 2 for refueling, testing and equipment replacement. This is expected to bring in approximately 1,900 contract workers.

COOK NUCLEAR PLANTDuring 18 months of operating at full capacity and generating 13,551 net gigawatt hours of electricity, refueling of Unit 2 was set for the 1st October.

On the 29th September, the plant reduced power to 50 percent for equipment testing prior to the start of the outage, officials said. This opportunity also allowed other activities connected to the plant’s management to be completed.

The Cook Plant has two reactors, both of which have been extremely reliable due to a great nuclear safety focus oft he Cook team according to Larry Weber, AEP chief nuclear officer and senior vice president.

It is expected that the outage will increase the usual 1,198-person staff to 1,900 due to the additional workload – more than 310,000 scheduled work hours.

The expected outage duration is not released for commercial reasons.

The Michigan Public Service Commission and Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission have both approved the projects as reasonable and necessary.

The work includes replacing two feedwater heaters, a new control room annunciator system, replacement of two unit auxiliary transformers and transmission switchyard improvements including replacement of a large transformer.
