Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd spends RM 12.6 mln on power upgrade in Tenom

Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) spent RM12.6 million to upgrade the system in order to stabilise long-term electricity supply in Tenom.




Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) spent RM 12.6 million to upgrade the system in order to stabilise long-term electricity supply in Tenom, Malaysia.

SESB General Manager (Major Projects), Ir. John Gomez said the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP) projects had already commenced on the 12th May this year. The projects involved the upgrading  of electrical installations, including the installation of transformers to the Main Substation (PMU) in Tenom.

“The increase in the total capacity of the existing transformers will also be able to accommodate long-term increase in electricity demand, especially for the district and also Kemabong sub-district,” he told reporters after visiting the PMU here yesterday.

He also said that the problem of loss and voltage overload of the 11kV feeder would  be solved after the completion of the project next year. The temporary installation of an Emergency Response System (ERS) tower was able to prevent the interruptions of electricity supply in areas such as Tenom, Keningau, Sook, Nabawan and Tambunan for the upgrades on the 132kV Tenom Pangi-Keningau line. This has minimised the impact of electrical interruptions and also helped to boost the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) in the state.

Gomez added that the upgrade also involved the installation of additional transformers for the PMU in Tenom at the cost of RM 3 million.

Commenting on the SAIDI level in the district, he stated that in 2008 there were 1,014 interruptions, which were reduced to 304.65 in 2012 and to October this year, have further decreased to 56.92.

“I hope the upgraded system will stabilise electricity supply in the area. With a daily energy requirement of 7.5 MW, it would benefit 10,430 consumers who will be able to enjoy a more stable power supply after upgrading works are fully completed by early next year,” he said.

Source: Borneo Post Online