Transformer changeover to cause 12-hour outage

Duke Energy will start a transformer changeover on Tuesday at 7 a.m. in Fowler Apartments in Lafayette, Indiana, USA, leaving the apartment building without power for 12 hours.




Duke Energy will start a transformer changeover on Tuesday at 7 a.m. in Fowler Apartments in Lafayette, Indiana, USA, leaving the apartment building without power for 12 hours.

The changeover will involve removal of the transformers from the underground vault on Ferry Street and installation of the new transformers which will be placed on recently installed utility poles.

“If these transformers were on poles already, this kind of work would not take nearly as long,” said Lew Middleton, Duke Energy spokesman. “You’re looking at two to four hours at most.”

While the work is being done, all 103 tenants will be required to be out of the building.

“They’ve never changed transformers before. The last time this work was done was when the hotel was changed over to apartments in 1974,” said Phyllis Merrell, president of Fowler Apartments. “We are 100 % electric. That means when this work is being done there’s no heat, no way to cook, no elevator – it’s just not safe. As far as emergency services, battery backup and emergency lighting will be down.”

“If we ever lose power, we’re stuck. I live on the eighth floor, so if power goes out, I’ve got to use the stairs,” said Rick Nelson, the resident of Fowler Apartments. “They told us a month ago, so we knew it was coming. I’m sure as old as the building is, anything they can do to improve the electricity is good.”
