EPEN begins installation of new transformers for Plottier

EPEN (El Ente Provincial de Energía del Neuquén) began the installation of the new transformer in the Colonia Valentina substation that supplies Plottier, Argentina. The installation process and power supply service testing should be completed within the next 15 days. The upgrade will contribute to prevention of blackouts in the summer.




EPEN (El Ente Provincial de Energía del Neuquén) began the installation of the new transformer in the Colonia Valentina substation that supplies Plottier, Argentina. The installation process and power supply service testing should be completed within the next 15 days. The upgrade will contribute to prevention of blackouts in the summer.

Colonia Valentina power station, which is the only supply point for Plottier, now has a 10 MVA power transformer and with it, the temporary set up of the station will double the power supply capacity to the community and its catchment area.

Another 10 MVA transformer arrived this week and once it is installed, the substation will meet the power demand of the area. Unpredicted service cuts and restrictions during the summer will be brought to a minimum.

EPEN personnel continue to install the remaining equipment and with the estimated  investment of $ 2,165,700, have about two weeks to complete the connection testing.

Deputy Secretary of Planning and Public Services, Nicola Alexander said “the transformer will be installed for a period of approximately two years, until the standardisation of Colonia Valentina is completed”, which will quadruple the power supply, going from 15 to 60 MVA, and also ensure the western capital power supply for the next 25 years.

The Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity awarded by the ENRE (National Regulatory Authority for Electricity) has been obtained for the upgrade project. The certificate is an important step prior to the bidding process.

Total investment in the future installation will exceed $ 40 million pesos.

Source: Imneuquen.com.ar