New power transformer to redistribute loads from IV (Los Altos) and V (Guanta) in Venezuela

Corpoelec National Transmission Centre in Anzoátegui, Venezuela put a 20 MVA transformer into operatation yesterday in the S/E Guanta plant. This will optimise the energy distribution throughout the towns located within Sucre and Anzoátegui.




Corpoelec  National Transmission Centre in Anzoategui, Venezuela put a 20 MVA transformer into operatation yesterday in the S/E Guanta plant. This will optimise the energy distribution throughout the towns located within Sucre and Anzoategui.

The new power equipment takes loads from the IV(Los Altos) and V(Guanta) outputs to improve voltage levels and redistribute the loads, said Deputy Transmission Commissioner, Marlon Useche.

Source: El Tiempo