Siemens to wait for transformer contract finalisation due to appeal from Alstom

Siemens’ Louise Goeser had won a contract for the construction of a substation and installation of power transformers to supply the new Audi plant according to El Economista. However, the Puebla authorities decided to disqualify the Alstom Grid’s opponent, Mark Doucet who has appealed against the decision.




Siemens’ Louise Goeser had won a contract for the construction of a substation and installation of power transformers to supply the new Audi plant according to El Economista. However, the Puebla authorities decided to disqualify the Alstom Grid’s opponent, Mark Doucet who has appealed against the decision.

The 230 Kv electrical installation in San José Chiapa , Puebla, Mexico, will be financed by the government and the above decision supported by the arguments of Rafael Moreno Valle with the administration, has been seen as controversial.

Following a 39.9 million pesos (approx. $ 3 million) bid from Siemens, power transformers presented by Alstom Grid had been rejected and the company was asked to provide a valid regulations certificate for their transformers which is normally provided only by the winning bidder.

The signing of the contract has been scheduled for today but Siemens is now forced to wait until the controversial issued are resolved in the Finance and Administration Department of Puebla.

Source: El Economista