Corrientes Province completes installation of 640 transformers in rural areas

Argentina, Corrientes: Ministry of Energy has completed the implementation of the electrification programme with the investment of ARS 20 million ($ 2.5 million) from the Rural Development Fund.




Argentina, Corrientes: Ministry of Energy has completed the implementation of the electrification programme with the investment of ARS 20 million ($ 2.5 million) from the Rural Development Fund.

People from the rural area of the Corrientes Province will benefit from the programme which involved the installation of 640 power transformers to enable  better power supply. Five hundred of the transformers are of 5 kVA and ninety are of 10 kVA, reports El Litoral.

“Rural electricity plays an important role not only by contributing to production but also by improving the quality of life for families, allowing greater integration with the rest of the community and generate new and better opportunities for individual and family development.” stated Secretary of Energy Department.

Source: El Litoral
Image: Weatherproof Tranformer by Hanspore (GNU Free Documentation Licence)