Two power transformers transported from Krümmel Nuclear Power Plant

Germany, Geesthacht: Two 120-tonne transformers have been transported last night from the nuclear power plant on the River Elbe.




Germany, Geesthacht: Two 120-tonne transformers have been transported last night from the nuclear power plant on the River Elbe.

The power transformers are still practically new but are no longer required as the government shut down the Krümmel Nuclear Power Plant in 2011.

Specialised transport was used from the power plant but was delayed by two hours due to a technical check up of the vehicle. As a result, five tires had to be replaced, reports LN Online. Shortly after midnight the transportation finally started.

20 police officers were deployed to block the transport path and secure the area. The situation remained under control. At the port, the transformers were prepared for further transport planned for  Thursday and Sunday.

Source: LN Online
Image: Cheyenne Substation by Western Area Power Admin (Creative Commons Licence)