Huge power transformer on transport to Brommat Hydroelectric Power Station

France, Aveyron: An exceptional convoy carrying a huge power transformer is on a way to the Brommat Hydroelectric Power Station in northern Aveyron.




France, Aveyron: An exceptional convoy carrying a huge power transformer is on a way to the Brommat Hydroelectric Power Station in northern Aveyron.

The transport convoy is operated by a team of six people and escorted by three cars and three motorcyclists. It is 65 m long and weighs 360 tonnes. The convoy moves at a speed between 5 and 25 km/h, including the motorways A750 and A75, reports La Depeche.

Yesterday evening the convoy crossed Millau and today, it will head to Bozouls. The transport will stop in Espalion over the weekend and on Monday, it will continue towards Entraygues. Passing through Mur-de-Barrez Tuesday, it will finally expected to arrive to  Brezou, the Brommat Commune, where the hydropower plant is located. 

Source: La Depeche
Image: Huge transformer by Mike Knell (Creative Commons Licence)