ZESA loses over $ 6 million to transformer vandalism

Zimbabwe: Yesterday ZESA Holdings (Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority) announced it lost over $ 6 million through vandalism of the electrical equipment, mostly transformers.




Zimbabwe: Yesterday ZESA Holdings (Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority) announced it lost over $ 6 million through vandalism of the electrical equipment, mostly transformers.

During the tour of the ZESA Enterprises in Harare, ZESA Holdings spokesperson Fullard Gwasira said to journalists: “Vandalism has been rising and it is very disturbing trend. The downside of it is that it retards the network and it has a very huge cost to the economy.“

According to Zent divisional manager, Loveness Kunaka, over 4,000 transformers had been vandalised and only 645 had been taken for repairs. “We have the capacity to quickly repair transformers, but due to limited resources we are operating under capacity.“ said Kunaka.

At the same event, Energy and Power Development minister Dzikamai Mavhaire warned people in the rural areas about the transformer oil draining, reports  News Day. He said many transformers that had been vandalised were not supposed to be there and were there because of careless people.

Source: News Day