U.S. sets preliminary dumping margins on electrical steel products from 7 countries

USA, Washington: The U.S. Commerce Department set preliminary dumping margins on electrical steel products from seven foreign countries, and it may impose punitive duties on the products.




USA, Washington: The U.S. Commerce Department set preliminary dumping margins on electrical steel products from seven foreign countries, and  it may impose punitive duties on the products.

The preliminary affirmative determination was made that imports of grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES) from Czech, Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Poland and China, had been sold below the fair value of the products in the U.S. market with dumping margins of 5.34 % to 241.91 %.

GOES is primarily used in the production of laminated cores for large and medium-sized electrical power transformers and distribution transformers. Punitive duties would be imposed after both the Commerce Department and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) make affirmative final rulings, reports Shanghai Daily. They are scheduled to announce the final determinations concerning China on the 15th September and 29th October, respectively.

The investigations started last October, after request from AK Steel Corporation and Allegheny Ludlum, and the United Steelworkers.

Source: Shanghai Daily