FGC to fund repairs of transformers in five substations

Russia, Vladivostok: FGC UES Dalniy Vostok will send RUB 11 million ($ 320,000) in 2014 to repair power transformers of 220 kV voltage class in five substations in the Amur Oblast and Khabarovsk Krai.




Russia, Vladivostok: FGC UES Dalniy Vostok will send RUB 11 million ($ 320,000) in 2014 to repair power transformers of 220 kV voltage class in five substations in the Amur Oblast and Khabarovsk Krai.

The overhaul of the 25 MVA transformer has already been completed by MES Vostok (East) in the Suluk substation in Khabarovsk Krai, reports Interfax Russia.

MES Vostok serves the total area of about 2,000,000 square km and a population of 5.2 million people. In operational service are 85 substations between 220 – 500 kV in total capacity. 

Source: Interfax Russia