IKEDC invests in power transformer repairs

Nigeria: Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company (IKEDC) has invested about NGN 600 million ($ 3.7 million) in power transformer repairs through the completed and ongoing projects within its network.




Nigeria: Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company (IKEDC) has invested about NGN 600 million ($ 3.7 million) in power transformer repairs through the completed and ongoing projects within its network.

The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the company, Abiodun Ajifowobaje, said the management had spent NGN 600 million ($ 3.7 million) on quick interventions on power transformers and pre-paid meter installations, according to All Africa.

The CEO said about 50 power transformers had been installed to boost electricity supply, while about 115 pending transformer projects have been completed. 40 faulty transformers had been rehabilitated, while the 52 vandalised transformers had been restored back to the system.

Source: All Africa