Large transformers to be delivered to Seabrook Station power plant

USA, New Hampshire: Four large step-up transformers are scheduled for delivery to Seabrook Station nuclear power plant.




USA, New Hampshire: Four large step-up transformers are scheduled for delivery to Seabrook Station nuclear power plant.

The power transformers weigh about 400,000 pounds (181.4 tonnes) each and will replace existing transformers, reports Seacoast Online. They will be brought in individually by barge during a three- or four-night period in “early August,” according to Sarah Gebo, the plant’s communications manager.

The transformers were manufactured in Europe and will be transported to a port in New York City before arriving in Hampton Harbor. They are 21 feet (6.4 m) in length, 13 feet (4 m) wide and 13 feet (4 m) tall, and will be used to step up voltage from the station’s main generators.

The town will close Harborside Park during the deliveries because it will be used as the location for the equipment used to unload the transformers from the barges and onto the transportation vehicles that will take them to the plant.

Source: Seacoast Online
Image: Fluppe37 (GNU Free Documentation Licence)