NDA’s 75% power investment to benefit transformer manufacturers

India, New Delhi: The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government plans to fund up to 75% of the investment required to supply electricity through separate feeders for agricultural and rural domestic consumption.




India, New Delhi: The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government plans to fund up to 75% of the investment required to supply electricity through separate feeders for agricultural and rural domestic consumption.

The proposed investment will benefit companies across the entire power sector – transformer manufacturers, manufacturers of electric conductors, insulators and poles.

Separating electricity feeders is aimed at ensuring that while farmers get the desired amount of electricity, the quality of power and its availability for households improves. It will also ensure that users are billed and technical and commercial losses because of theft are reduced.

According to Mint, the project is aimed at ensuring around eight hours of quality power supply to agricultural consumers and 24-hour electricity to households.

“Power is a vital input for economic growth and the government is committed to providing 24×7 uninterrupted power supply to all homes. Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana for feeder separation will be launched to augment power supply to the rural areas and for strengthening sub-transmission and distribution systems.” finance minister Arun Jaitley said.

Source: Mint