Itaipú Binational to install wind and solar power components for military unit

Paraguay, Chaco: The first solar and wind power modules are expected to be inaugurated in a year’s time to provide 24 hour light for military unit Joel Estigarribia.




Paraguay, Chaco: The first solar and wind power modules are expected to be inaugurated in a year’s time to provide 24 hour light for military unit Joel Estigarribia.

This project is now entering its final stage and is expected to be completed soon because the components for this purpose are being purchased by Itaipú Binational, which is responsible for this initiative. $420,000 will be invested in the installation of the system, reports Reve.

Itaipú Technological Park will manage the installation of a complex system firsthand which will include the power transformer, and wind and solar modules.

“Imagine what it will mean to the troops of Paraguayan soldiers to have light which will provide them more bearable conditions.” said the director of the Itaipú Technological Park – Maria Teresa Peralta.

Source: Reve