Seaway to install substation at Sandbank offshore wind farm

Germany, German North Sea: Seaway Heavy Lifting has secured a contract from Bladt Industries to transport and install the substation with all associated power equipment including transformers at the 288MW Sandbank offshore wind farm.


Germany, German North Sea: Seaway Heavy Lifting has secured a contract from Bladt Industries to transport and install the substation with all associated power equipment including transformers at the 288 MW Sandbank offshore wind farm.

The Sandbank wind farm, expected to start generating electricity in 2017, is sited 100 km north-west of the island of Sylt, in water depths between 25 m and 37 m within the exclusive economic zone off the German North Sea coast.

The substation platform, featuring a jacket, skirt piles and deck, is anticipated to be installed in 2016 by using the Stanislav Yudin vessel.

The wind farm, which is expected to cost $1.47 billion, is being jointly developed by Vattenfall and the city of Munich public utility Stadtwerke München.

Source: Clean Technology Business Review