Vortex Energy begins construction of a 42 MW wind farm in Poland

Poland, Stettin: Vortex Energy as the general contractor has completed the first construction phase of a 42 MW wind farm in Radziejów, Poland, having built access roads, laid the cables and poured foundations for 21 wind turbines.


Poland, Stettin: Vortex Energy as the general contractor has completed the first construction phase of a 42 MW wind farm in Radziejów, Poland, having built access roads, laid the cables and poured foundations for 21 wind turbines.

The next construction phase includes construction of a new transformer substation with power transformers and associated electrical equipment in order to enable feeding of the wind energy into the distribution grid, reports Sun & Wind Energy.

The farm is expected to produce an annual yield of 130,000 MWh which is enough to accommodate the energy needs of 32,000 households.

The commissioning of the wind farm is scheduled for early 2015.

Source: Sun & Wind Energy