Grave concerns about anti-dumping duties on GOES imports in EU

European Union: European Transformer manufacturers have been expressing concerns over announced imposition of anti-dumping duties against imports of grain oriented electrical steel (GOES) into the EU, believing this would be disastrous for the entire EU transformer industry.


Transformers Magazine learns that European transformer manufacturers have been expressing concerns over announced imposition of anti-dumping duties against imports of grain oriented electrical steel (GOES) into the EU, believing this would be disastrous for the entire EU transformer industry.

The European Commission’s directorate general for trade is soon expected to propose the enforcement of provisional anti-dumping duties against GOES imports from various countries, covering nearly 100% of these imports.

The EU transformer industry is concerned that this development would cause irreparable damages to the hundreds of transformer plants in the EU, their 30,000 employees, and the hundreds of thousands of employees working for subcontractors. 

The new measure would also come at a time when the EU’s own regulatory changes (EcoDesign) have caused a significant shortage of GOES on the market. Even though the EU transformer industry has been a strong supporter of EcoDesign, the imposition of anti-dumping duties could mean that transformer manufacturers who would reap EcoDesign’s benefit would be those located outside of the EU. 

Source: Transformers Magazine