Zambia’s blackout caused by transformer fault

Zambia, Lusaka: A power failure that plunged most of Zambia into darkness at the beginning of last week was caused by a fault at a transformer in a substation in the north of the country, reports Bloomberg.


Zambia, Lusaka: A power failure that plunged most of Zambia into darkness at the beginning of last week was caused by a transformer fault in a substation in the north of the country, reports Bloomberg.

Preliminary findings reveal that the error at the Kitwe substation tripped the remaining transformers, some of which were out of service for upgrading, according to a letter from Copperbelt Energy Corp., reveals Bloomberg.

This led to the total loss of generation at Kafue Gorge and Kariba North Bank power stations, the country’s biggest power plants.

The failure also led to blackouts in large parts of Zimbabwe, knocking out hydro-electric and thermal plants in the neighbouring country.

Source: Bloomberg