Six Far East substations to receive upgraded transformer equipment

Russia, Vladivostok: Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System (FGC UES), Russia’s largest electricity transmission company has revealed plans to upgrade the transformer equipment in six substations of 220-500 kV voltage class in the Far East in 2015.


Russia, Vladivostok: Russia’s largest electricity transmission company FGC UES (Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System), has revealed plans to upgrade the transformer equipment in six substations of 220 kV to 500 kV voltage class in the Far East in 2015.

The company will remove 18 transformer bushings whose oil insulation has lost insulating properties, and replace them with bushings with solid insulation, reports Interfax-Russia.

New bushings of Russian production will use modern insulating materials which increase reliability of the equipment and require less frequent maintenance.

The upgraded equipment will contribute to a more reliable electricity supply to consumers in the regions of Khabarovsk, Amur and Primorye, and the Jewish Autonomous region in the Russia’s Far East.

Source: Interfax-Russia