Bulgaria’s CERB subcontracted to repair 3 transformers in Albania

Bulgaria, Sofia: Bulgarian power equipment repair and maintenance company Centralna Energoremontna Baza (CERB) has been subcontracted by Austria’s Andritz Hydro for the overhaul project of Albania’s biggest hydropower plant - Koman HPP.


Bulgaria, Sofia: Bulgarian power equipment repair and maintenance company Centralna Energoremontna Baza (CERB) has been subcontracted by Austria’s Andritz Hydro for the overhaul project of Albania’s biggest hydropower plant – Koman HPP.

As part of the project, CERB will perform an overhaul of three power transformers, including the replacement of the cooling system, processing of transformers oil, the paint job and cleaning, reports Publics.

Thus far, the transformers have not been subjected to repairs since they were produced in 1984.

The project is worth around €500,000 and has been commissioned by the Albanian state-owned electricity company KESH.

Source: Publics