More ducks released after Mimico Creek oil spill

More ducks have been released back into the wild on Friday after transport oil leak in Mimico Creek earlier this week, covering more than 100 birds.


More ducks have been released back into the wild on Friday after transport oil leak in Mimico Creek earlier this week, covering more than 100 birds.

Thousands of litres of transformer oil spilled into Mimico Creek after a transport truck went off on a nearby highway on Monday night.

Thus far 34 ducks have been released and more than 50 have been scrubbed free of oil at the Toronto Wildlife Centre, officials at the site say. Originally 104 oil covered ducks have been found, but some of the birds have died.

The Wildlife Centre reports that hundreds of people have volunteered to rescue the ducks and gave their support in various ways, such as providing refreshments for the volunteers at Mimico Creek or simply donating money to the Centre.

The centre is also asking for more towels, paper towels and donations to help cover the costs for this large-scale duck rescue.

Source: CBC