Pioneer moves dry-type transformer production to Mexico, cuts jobs in QC

USA, New Jersey: Pioneer Power Solutions, a company engaged in the manufacture, sale and service of electrical transmission, distribution and on-site power generation equipment, announced that it intends to consolidate its dry-type transformer production activities to a new, larger facility located in Reynosa, Mexico.


USA, New Jersey: Pioneer Power Solutions, a company engaged in the manufacture, sale and service of electrical transmission, distribution and on-site power generation equipment, announced that it intends to consolidate its dry-type transformer production activities to a new, larger facility located in Reynosa, Mexico.

The new facility will be near Pioneer’s existing location in Reynosa, which will be vacated by the second quarter of 2016. In addition, production at Pioneer’s facility located in Farnham, Quebec, will be transitioned in stages to Reynosa, by June 2016, the company announced in the press release.

This transition is expected to permanently affect approximately 70 jobs at the Farnham location, with no changes expected to Pioneer’s Canada-based staff of sales and engineering personnel dedicated to dry-type transformers.

Source: Pioneer Power Solutions
Image: Pioneer Transformers