New 400 KV substation shut down due to defective transformers

India, Punjab: 400 kV Dhuri substation set up and commissioned by Power Grid on turnkey basis, has been forced to shut down, allegedly due to problems in 500 MVA power transformers.


India, Punjab: 400 kV Dhuri substation set up and commissioned by Power Grid on turnkey basis, has been forced to shut down, allegedly due to problems in 500 MVA power transformers.

According to official sources, after the first 500 MVA power transformer was damaged on 1 October, the second 500 MVA transformer has also been put under preventive shut down as the oil temperature was found to be above permissible limits. The transformer oil test readings have depreciated during last three months immensely, reports Punjab News Express.

The 400 kV substation was built by Power Grid and was handed over to PSTCL in January 2014 for operation. A senior PSPCL official said that there is some manufacturing defect and problem lies with the design of transformers, since all the transformers with same design experience the same problem.

While power transformers are expected to have a normal life of 30-35 years, the PGCIL supplied equipment has started failing within just 2 years. It is not known if any action is being taken by PGCIL or PSTCL against the supplier which supplied defective transformers.

Source: Punjab News Express