UK charter project launched for marine shipment of transformers

United Kingdom: Marine service provider, Marine and Towage Services Group Ltd (MTS) and specialist shipping firm Robert Wynn & Sons Ltd. (Robert Wynn) have been working on a complex charter to deliver transformers from Rotterdam, Netherlands to Hunterston on the West Coast of Scotland.


United Kingdom: Marine service provider Marine and Towage Services Group Ltd (MTS) and specialist shipping firm Robert Wynn & Sons Ltd. (Robert Wynn) have been working on a complex charter to deliver power transformers from Rotterdam, Netherlands to Hunterston on the West Coast of Scotland.

The equipment will be installed as part of National Grid and Scottish Power Transmission’s $1.5 billion Western Link project, for which a total of 9 transformers have previously been delivered to the site of the onshore converter station at Hunterson in three separate shipments, reports Offshore Shipping Online.

With many of the global transformer manufacturing facilities located in mainland Europe, the charter project aims at providing solution for logistical endeavour of transporting this crucial equipment to project sites in the UK.

The charter forms part of a longer-term contract which will see MTS support Robert Wynn’s special barge for a number of further charters in UK and European waters, including transport of significant electrical infrastructure equipment for power generation projects in Northern France, the North East and the South West of the UK.

Source: Offshore Shipping Online
Image: Robert Wynn & Sons