Industry and Unions call for action on steel industry crisis

Belgium, Brussels: As job losses caused by dumped Chinese steel mount, the European steel industry urged EU ministers who met last week to work on an emergency plan of action for the sector.


Belgium, Brussels: As job losses caused by dumped Chinese steel mount, the European steel industry urged EU ministers who met last week to work on an emergency plan of action for the sector.

“To avoid imminent, irreparable damage to the EU steel industry, policy makers need to take immediate action, using the full set of available trade defence instruments, including speeding up the imposition of measures”, said the European Steel Association (EUROFER), in a letter to EU governments, signed by the executives of Europe’s steelmakers, including ArcelorMittal, Tata Steel, ThyssenKrupp Steel, SSAB, voestalpine, Riva, Celsa, and Salzgitter AG.

The European Steel Association (EUROFER) and industriAll European Trade Union also issued a joint call for action by policy makers to ward off further job losses in the sector.

The steel sector has lost at least 85,000 jobs since 2008, over 20% of its workforce. At least 5,000 of these have come in the last quarter.