Hitachi Soe Electric & Machinery to export transformers in 2017

Myanmar: Hitachi Soe Electric & Machinery, a joint venture company formed by Japan’s Hitachi and a local transformer company, is planning to start exporting transformers in 2017.


Myanmar: Hitachi Soe Electric & Machinery, a joint venture company formed by Japan’s Hitachi and a local transformer company, is planning to start exporting transformers in 2017.

According to Daw Mary Htwe, general manager of Soe Electric & Machinery, the first export of made-in-Myanmar transformers is likely to happen after 2016, reports Deal Street Asia.

The joint venture began operation in October and aims to produce transformers for both the domestic and export markets.

The current production is about 300 units of transformers, which are sold in the local market.

Source: Deal Street Asia