Azerbaijani President opens new transformer plant

Azerbaijan: On 11 January Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of a large power transformer plant owned by ATEF Group of Companies, and laid the foundation of a high-voltage equipment factory.


Azerbaijan: On 11 January Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of a large power transformer plant owned by ATEF Group of Companies, and laid the foundation of a high-voltage equipment factory.

The Minister of Economy and Industry Shahin Mustafayev and Head of ATEF Group Talib Alikhanbekov informed the President on the oil transformers plant built in the village Amirjan, the plant for the production of transformers and electrical equipment in the Garachukhur settlement, and the steel structures plant in the Hovsan settlement.

During the visit, President put into operation the transformer plant, and then laid the foundation of a factory for the production of high-voltage equipment.

ATEF Group of Companies is a successor of OJSC Baku Transformer Plant.

Source: News.Az