5 trends for global GOES markets in 2016

USA: Metal Miner has analysed five trends expected to underpin the dynamic that will impact the global grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES) market in 2016.


USA: Metal Miner has analysed five trends expected to underpin the dynamic that will impact the global grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES) market in 2016.

According to the source, there will be a continued market tightness for non-commodity grades such as MOH or HI-B materials, which are not currently produced in the US but remain in high demand both in Europe and the US due to more stringent transformer efficiency standards.

Standard grades, on the other hand, are expected to see flat to falling prices until “fundamentals” take over.

Other trends in 2016 include continued industry consolidation among power transformer equipment manufacturers and a continuation of international trade issues which will dominate the global GOES marketplace.

Finally, health of the global economy will continue to impact all metals markets including the GOES markets.

Source: Metal Miner