$35M HVDC order awarded to connect European power grids

Germany: Via Siemens AG, Siemens Transformers, has received an order for the Nemo Link, a 140-kilometer HVDC link between Richborough, UK and Zeebrugge, Belgium from National Grid in the U.K. and Elia Group in Belgium.


Germany: Via Siemens AG, Siemens Transformers has received an order for the Nemo Link, a 140-kilometer HVDC link between Richborough, UK and Zeebrugge, Belgium from National Grid in the U.K. and Elia Group in Belgium.

As part of the order, Siemens will supply HVDC transformers from its Nuremberg factory which will be used in both of the converter stations.

The 365 MVA transformers, with 400/470 (400 DC)/ 21.8 kV – three units plus one replacement unit per station – are scheduled to ship in 2017.

The total value of the order for TR amounts to more than €32 million, and is thus another milestone in the HVDC product line’s success story.

The entire link will go into commercial operation in 2019.

Source: Siemens
Image: Siemens