CG to supply transformers for EnBW Hohe See project

India, Mumbai: The FICG consortium of Cofely Fabricom, Iemants and CG has been awarded a contract for the EnBW Hohe See offshore wind farm in the North Sea, for the supply and installation of the complete offshore substation for the German utility EnBW.


India, Mumbai: The FICG consortium of Cofely Fabricom, Iemants and CG has been awarded a contract for the EnBW Hohe See offshore wind farm in the North Sea, for the supply and installation of the complete offshore substation for the German utility EnBW.

The scope of work for CG covers the design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of the HV/MV equipment for the offshore platform, including the power, auxiliary and earthing transformers, CG stated in a press release.

The EnBW Hohe See wind farm will comprise 71 wind turbines with a total capacity of 497 MW, enough to power about 560.000 households.

The project will be connected to the German high voltage grid via the BorWin3 converter platform, and will be brought online by the end of 2019.
Source: CG