Eurofer urges EU leaders to save European steel industry

Belgium, Brussels: As the European Commission launched a Communication on Steel - Preserving Sustainable Jobs and Growth in Europe, the European Council met to discuss jobs, growth and competitiveness.


Belgium, Brussels: As the European Commission launched a Communication on Steel – Preserving Sustainable Jobs and Growth in Europe, the European Council met to discuss jobs, growth and competitiveness.

In light of the Communication, EU leaders must immediately take their responsibility to preserve this vital European sector, urges EUROFER.

“We welcome the objective and proposal of the Commission Communication to speed up the EU’s ability to react to unfair trade and increase effectiveness of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures”, said Axel Eggert, Director General of the European Steel Association (EUROFER).

“The EU’s Trade Defence Instruments’ (TDIs) capabilities must be upgraded substantially. For this, the US must be the benchmark: In the US the gap until the implementation of provisional anti-dumping tariffs is only four-and-a-half months. The EU needs nine months for the same task. Additionally, the US fully applies the calculated anti-dumping margin while the EU uses a Lesser Duty on unfair imports,” stressed Mr Eggert.

A European Commission proposal on TDIs has been on the floor of the Council since 2013, where it has remained blocked by a number of member states.

“Member states should ultimately do more to push through the European Commission’s proposal on the modernisation of the EU’s TDIs,” Mr Eggert added.