E.ON and Statoil building Arkona Offshore Wind Farm

Germany: E.ON and Statoil have announced their final investment decision on the development of the 385 MW Arkona offshore wind farm, also known as Arkona Becken Südost, in the Baltic Sea, Germany.


Germany: E.ON and Statoil have announced their final investment decision on the development of the 385 MW Arkona offshore wind farm, also known as Arkona Becken Südost, in the Baltic Sea, Germany.

The offshore wind farm with the transformer substation will be located 35 km northeast of Rügen Island, and once completed and online, it is to be connected to the grid node in Lubmin, reports Power Technology.

79 boreholes have been drilled into the seabed to perform the necessary tests at multiple locations for the offshore turbines and the transformer substation.

The contractor for the substation equipment has not been named and may not be selected yet.

The wind farm is to be completed in 2019.

Source: Power Technology