Transformer platform for Sandbank offshore goes to sea

After 16 months of construction work, the transformer substation for the offshore wind farm Sandbank is on its way to the construction site 90 kilometres west of Sylt in the German North Sea.


After 16 months of construction work, the transformer substation for the offshore wind farm Sandbank is on its way to the construction site 90 kilometres west of Sylt in the German North Sea.

The transformer substation will collect the wind power generated by all 72 wind turbines, ramp it up from an AC voltage of 33 kV to 155 kV and then pass it to a converter station.

Martin Zappe, the project manager at Vattenfall, said: “The offshore transformer station we are building in the middle of the North Sea has the dimensions of a 15-story office building. When the 2,400-tonne topside is hanging on the crane hook, it will be the heaviest crane lift of the entire project,” reports Offshore Wind Industry.

Sandbank is scheduled to be operational in 2017. The total investment volume for the offshore wind farm Sandbank is approximately €1.2 billion.

Source: Offshore Wind Industry
Image: Vattenfall