Industrial hub gains two power substations

Angola, Luanda: Two power substations with the capacity for 80 MW each will be built soon within the Viana Industrial Estate, to help meet the needs of the firms there.


Angola, Luanda: Two power substations with the capacity for 80 MW each will be built soon within the Viana Industrial Estate, to help meet the needs of the firms there.

According to the source, the programme will be jointly implemented with the National Electricity Distribution Company (ENDE). In the first phase the substations will be built with the capacity for 40 MW each, at an estimated cost of USD 15 million each.

The Estate is working on two alternatives: the first is to find the funding with the participation of the investors themselves, while ENDE will be responsible for finding the resources required for the construction of the substations. On the other hand, under the China credit line, a substation will be built in 2017 to meet about 70 percent of the Viana Estate’s needs.

The Viana Industrial Estate Managing Commission is tasked with promoting the establishment of industrial projects, analyse investment bids and decide on their feasibility. It is also tasked with running the process of allocation of plots of land, building, equipping and ensuring the maintenance and functioning of the infrastructure, as well as required funding.

Source: allAfrica