Transformer fire disrupted Parliament sitting

Jamaica: A fire, triggered reportedly by a blown transformer, brought an abrupt end to yesterday’s sitting of the House of Representatives in Gordon House.


Jamaica: A fire, triggered reportedly by a blown transformer, brought an abrupt end to yesterday’s sitting of the House of Representatives in Gordon House.

A fire on a Jamaica Public Service Company utility pole was reportedly triggered by a blown transformer. The blowout caused a brief blackout inside the Parliament building. However, the standby plant reactivated the lights within minutes. But, immediately afterwards, secruity personnel outside the building informed parliamentarians and staff that the transformer was on fire. A press conference which was being arranged by the Opposition to respond to Prime Minister Andrew Holness was immediately cancelled. The fire was burning up to half an hour after it started, despite the fact that the fire brigade was informed and security personnel insisting that a fire engine was on Mark Lane where the transformer was burning.

Source: Jamaica Observer