Energy efficient transformers to support bioproduct mill in Finland

ABB is delivering a range of high-efficiency transformer products for the world’s most energy-efficient pulp mill, located in Äänekoski, central Finland.


ABB is delivering a range of high-efficiency transformer products for the world’s most energy-efficient pulp mill, located in Äänekoski, central Finland.

ABB will supply the complete power distribution, process electrification and grid connection system solutions for this project, including a 330 MVA generator transformer, two 100 MVA plant main transformers, and 64 dry-type transformers power rated up to 10 MVA, the manufacturer said in a statement.

The huge Metsä Group’s bioproduct mill in Äänekoski has been designed to maximize material efficiency and minimize emissions. Its annual 1.8 terawatt hour power generation capacity requires no fossil fuels, and produces about 2.4 times more electricity than it will consume, enabling the sale of surplus energy.

Source: ABB