Transformer failure forced shutdown of America’s newest reactor

USA, Tennessee: America's newest nuclear reactor was shut down only four days after it was declared complete and commercially viable on 23 October, due to a transformer failure.


USA, Tennessee: America’s newest nuclear reactor was shut down only four days after it was declared complete and commercially viable on 23 October, due to a transformer failure.

The Tennessee Valley Authority was forced to shut down its newest unit at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant having discovered a potential problem in one of the main bank transformers in the switchyard at the Spring City, Tennessee nuclear plant, reports Times Free Press.

The transformer problem was discovered only four days after TVA celebrated Watts Bar Unit 2 as the first U.S. commercial nuclear plant added to America’s electric grid in more than 20 years.

TVA idled the Unit 2 reactor until the transformer problem was repaired, and the reactor returned to full power on 1 November following a nine-day outage.

Source: Times Free Press
Image: Power Engineering