K-Electric unveils $1B power plant and transmission upgrades plan

Pakistan, Karachi: K-Electric, Pakistan’s power company, has announced the biggest private sector investment plan of $1 billion to set up 900 MW dual-fired power plant and build the supporting transmission infrastructure in order to overcome energy crisis in Karachi.


Pakistan, Karachi: K-Electric, Pakistan’s power company, has announced the biggest private sector investment plan of $1 billion, with plans to set up a 900 MW dual-fired power plant and build the supporting transmission infrastructure in order to overcome energy crisis in Karachi.

The power station is planned to be built at K-Electric’s Bin Qasim site and the project includes simultaneous upgrades to the associated transmission infrastructure, reports The News.

“We aim to commission the project in the fastest possible time and are confident that with the right facilitation from all quarters, power from the plant may be added to our supply as soon as summer of 2018,” the company’s CEO Tayyab Tareen said.

K-Electric, which is in talks with a Chinese company to sell its majority stake, is currently also running a $450 million transmission enhancement plan (TP-1000) to enhance transformation capacity and improve the reliability of power supply.

Source: The News