Oregon’s CRPUD budgets for distribution network improvements

USA, Oregon: The Columbia River People's Utility District (CRPUD) Board of Directors has adopted a $40.37 million operating and capital budget for 2019 which highlights the PUD's commitment to investing in its infrastructure.


USA, Oregon: The Columbia River People’s Utility District (CRPUD) Board of Directors has adopted a $40.37 million operating and capital budget for 2019.

Some of these funds will be invested in improvements at two PUD substations, including upgrades to the St. Helens Substation, where a 55-year-old 16.8 MVA transformer will be replaced with a new 25 MVA unit, and completion of the new Betsy Johnson Substation in Scappoose, reports The Chronicle Online.

The new Betsy Johnson Substation is expected to be operational in March 2019, increasing capacity in the Scappoose area.

These improvements will allow the PUD more flexibility to reroute power within its distribution system in the event that an entire substation experiences an outage.

Source: The Chronicle Online