Central Maine Power to reopen negotiations on transmission line to Massachusetts

Central Maine Power is starting negotiations for its 233 km transmission line that would supply hydropower from Canada to Massachusetts.


Portland, USA: Central Maine Power is starting negotiations with stakeholders to boost support for its 233 km transmission line that would supply hydropower from Canada to electricity consumers in Massachusetts.

It’s the latest twist in Central Maine Power’s quest to build “The New England Clean Energy Connect,” which would take power generated in Quebec and deliver it to Massachusetts. To get it there, they need to construct a 233 km long transmission line through Maine.

The Maine project calls for building a high-voltage power line from Mount Beattie Township on the Canadian border to the regional power grid in Lewiston. Much of the project calls for widening existing corridors, but a new swath would have to be cut through a 80 km segment of wilderness in western Maine.

If a settlement is reached, it will be filed with the Public Utilities Commission.

Source: WGME