New substation to be built in Gambia

The new substation in Jarra Soma is a project made possible by The Gambia River Basin Development Organisation and is an answer to Gambia's electricity problem.


The new substation in Jarra Soma, Gambia is a project made possible by the Gambia River Basin Development Organisation (OMVG) and is an answer to Gambia’s electricity problem.

Gambian president Barrow explained that the Soma substation is a part of the major interconnection project covering a planned transmission line of 1,677 km and 15 substations.

Of these substations, 2 would be in The Gambia, 5 in Guinea Conakry, 4 in Guinea-Bissau and 4 in Senegal. Out of the 1,677 km of transmission line, 183 km will be built in Gambia, 575 km in Guinea, 218 km in Guinea-Bissau, and 701 km in Senegal.

‘‘The Soma substation is designed to link the Eastern and Northern part of the Gambia through the NAWEC interconnection networks and stands to revitalize relations and strengthen regional solidarity,’’ said Barrow.

The lead partners on the project are: African Development Bank (AfDB), European Investment Bank (EIU), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), World Bank (WB), West Africa Development Bank (BOAD), Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED), and the German Development Bank (KfW).

Source: Foroyaa