Ketraco to improve Nairobi’s power supply

The Kenya Electricity Transmission Company has commissioned the construction of a new power line that will offer an alternative path for power into Nairobi.


The Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (Ketraco) has commissioned the construction of a new power line that will offer an alternative path for power into the Nairobi metropolitan area.

The Nairobi Ring Associated Substations project involves building 220/66 kV capacity substations in Isinya, Kimuka (Ngong), Athi River and Malaa areas to increase transformation capacity and to remove load from the existing overloaded substations.

The project is Ketraco’s solution to the growing demand for electricity in the Nairobi metropolis. It involves the strengthening of Kenyan grid by creating a ring around the Nairobi agglomeration through the reinforcement of the existing grid that bypasses the agglomeration in the east and building a 400 kV line that will bypass it in the west. The latter line, initially operated at 220 kV, will form the backbone of the future 400 kV regional grid linking Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.

Source: Daily Nation