Zimbabwe government to procure 2,000 transformers

The Treasury of Zimbabwe is set to procure 2,000 additional transformers, in order to address power transmission gaps.


The Treasury of Zimbabwe is set to procure 2,000 additional transformers, in order to address power transmission gaps.

The Minister of Energy and Power Development, Dr Joram Gumbo, has said that these transmission gaps are negatively affecting service in critical sectors such as clinics and schools: “There is a shortage throughout the country in farms, in schools and in some very strategic places like clinics. So there is no specific place but there is really a need throughout the country.”

Last year Zimbabwean government revealed that it needed close to $20 M to replace 4,000 transformers that were lost due to vandalism. Dr Gumbo said the country was not manufacturing enough transformers to meet local demand and also mentioned that power supplies were being interrupted due to faults caused by strong winds and violent thunderstorms, which resulted in electric poles falling. The Minister said Government was considering replacing wooden poles with durable concrete poles: ‘We are considering using the concrete poles. They are stronger and have a longer life. As time goes on we have to think of other means to make sure that we secure our transmissions. The other way to do it when the funds do allow is to go underground,’ said Dr Gumbo.

Source: Chronicle