Major substation upgrades underway in Chandigarh, India

UT electricity department of Chandigarh, India, has decided to build and upgrade several substations and make adjustments regarding the transmission line.


UT electricity department of Chandigarh, India, has decided to build and upgrade several substations and make necessary adjustments regarding the transmission line.

With the population projected to grow at a high rate, the UT electricity department is already facing a tough challenge of providing uninterrupted power supply to the city’s residents. Therefore, the electricity department has decided to improve its power infrastructure.

According to the official record, there are five 33 KV substations and thirteen 66 KV substations located in different parts of the city. Around six 66 KV substations are at the end of their life span and the number of such substations will continue to grow. Plan is afoot to build twelve new 66 KV grid substations in the next 10 years, while the existing 66 KV substations will be upgraded. There is an overhead transmission line of 2,037km in the city, which will be converted into an underground line.

Source: Times of India