GE T&D to set up HV substation in India

PGCIL has awarded a contract worth around $22.87 M to GE T&D India to extend a 765 kV air-insulated substation and set up a new 400 kV/220 kV gas-insulated substation at Bhuj, Gujarat.


The Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) has awarded a contract worth around $22.87 M (₹1.62 billion) to GE T&D India Ltd. to extend a 765 kV air-insulated substation (AIS) and set up a new 400 kV/220 kV gas-insulated substation (GIS) at Bhuj, Gujarat.

The contract also entails the extension of the existing 400 kV GIS at Tirunelveli substation. The turnkey project is part of the green corridor transmission system and will help transmit around 2,500 MW of wind power generated in Gujarat.

A green energy power transmission corridor is being set up to evacuate the power generated by a large number of wind farms and solar projects in western India. After the completion of this project, wind farm developers will be able to transmit the power generated in the state to the green energy power transmission corridor.

GE has executed similar projects for PGCIL to transmit solar power through the green corridor transmission system in the past. GE installed a 400 kV AIS substation to transmit solar power from the 750 MW Rewa Ultra Mega Solar power park in Madhya Pradesh. GE has also installed a 765 kV AIS substation to transmit power from the Bhadla Solar Park in Rajasthan.

Source: Mercom India