Argentina launches tender for 500 kV transmission line

Argentina is on the lookout for builders and operators of a 500 kV transmission line meant improve the national grid ahead of a planned renewable energy boom.


Argentina is on the lookout for builders and operators of a 500 kV transmission line meant improve the national grid ahead of a planned renewable energy boom.

A tender was launched for a new high-voltage line linking the Mendoza and Buenos Aires provinces.

Five secondary links will connect the core transmission line to as many grid subsystems, scattered between the Córdoba, La Pampa, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires provinces. 

According to the government, the transmission line is the first of nine high-voltage projects. The grid boost comes as the Argentinian system braces for the large-scale addition of renewables, which under a 2015 law must grow to supply 20 % of the country’s needs by 2025.

“In recent times, we’ve worked to diversify our energy mix, with renewables rising significantly. This [transmission line] is an important step to boost our distribution capacity and link production areas with consumer hubs,” state secretary Gustavo Lopetegui said in a statement.

The infrastructure push emerges amid steady growth of Argentinian renewables. Government figures show that as of 28 February, the country was home to 30 operative projects – a third of them PV farms – equal to 795 MW in capacity. Once under-construction schemes are factored in, the figures rise to 126 projects representing 4.593 GW in joint capacity.

Source: PV Tech