Argentina issues a public tender for 487 km 500 kV transmission line and 5 substations

Argentinian government published a public tender for the construction and operation of a 487 km, HV electricity network, 5 substations, and ancillary 132 kV infrastructure.


Argentina: Argentinian government published a public tender for the construction and operation of a 487 km, high-voltage electricity network, 5 substations, and ancillary 132 kV infrastructure, ultimately involving five provinces.

This project aims to relieve current transmission congestion and increase the capacity of the country’s existing transmission network through a 15 year term public-private partnership (PPP) contract. According to the current tender calendar, proposals are due May 2019 and the award of the contract is expected in July 2019, with construction scheduled to last 36 months.

Source: The National Law Review