TenneT to build 2 GW converter stations and boost grid connection capacity

TenneT is to build 2 GW converter stations and install cables with the same capacity in an effort to reduce their number and the costs.


Netherlands: Dutch transmission system operator TenneT is to build 2 GW converter stations and install cables with the same capacity in an effort to reduce their number and the costs.

The company is currently planning the grid connection for offshore windfarms due to be brought online between 2024 and 2030. The transmission system operator (TSO) is to connect 6.1 GW of offshore wind to the Dutch high-voltage grid in that period.

TenneT chief executive Manon van Beek said the plan would help accelerate the energy transition.

TenneT’s standardised concept based on 700 MW offshore transformer stations will be used in the Hollandse Kust (West) and North of the Wadden Islands areas to ‘bundle’ electricity from the windfarms there and transmit it ashore using 220 kV cables.

In the IJmuiden Ver wind energy area, which is further out at sea, two direct current connections consisting of cables and converter stations will be used with a capacity of 2 GW. The cables used here will be 525 kV.

By scaling up to 2 GW, only two cables instead of six will be required, reducing costs overall, and they will require less space. Fewer cable routes on land will also be required.

Source: Offshore Wind Journal